Monday, August 19, 2013

So Many Hats....

As women, we wear so many hats.  We wear the I’m the daughter hat.  We wear the I’m your sister hat.  We wear the I’m the girlfriend hat.  We wear the I’m your wife hat.  We wear the I’m the lover hat.  We wear the I’m sexy hat.  We wear the I’m a mother hat.  We wear the I’m the best friend hat. Whew, no wonder we be so tired.  Hahahaha

By wearing all these hats, it’s easy for us to say I have no time.  I have no time to take out for me.  I have no time for vacation.  I have no time to be sexy.  I have no time for hanging out with a friend.  I’m way too tired for sex. Etc…  However, at the end is this really healthy for us?
Every now and then we must stop and smell those roses we have worked so hard to plant!  Don’t let the devil put a spirit of condemnation on you for wanting some YOU time.  How can we be truly happy within ourselves if we are just burnt out.  We have the power over our homes.  Think about it, momma can affect everybody!

So I encourage us beautiful women to every now and then do you!  Whether that’s s trip to the hairdresser, or getting your nails done, or going out with a friend, exercising,  or just saying I need me time for a hour.  It’s important to keep yourself happy and healthy so that in return we can continue to wear all these hats sufficiently.   I know the next two weekends its going to be the road trip time for me. Woo hoo…then back to the student hat.  Booo.  Hahaha.  Stay encouraged.

What Makes The Difference?

You know Sunday I visited my parents church and they were singing today’s songs and it was nice.  However, they sung an oldie but goodie song from back in the days and it had me wanted to get my dance on.  The pastor than stated how back then you were in church all day.  Sunday morning services, then eat, then come back for afternoon or night service.  I grew up in that time as well.  Yet it didn’t feel long.  Many of times the night services was hotter than the morning service.  There were times I couldn’t wait to get to church, as I was excited to see how God was going to move before it was all over.
Confession, now my attitude many of times is I get there when I get there.  That excitement I once had just isn’t there.  Is it because I lost my zest for God?  Is it because my flesh doesn’t want to go to church anymore?  What is it…

Psalm 25:14
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and he will show them his covenant. 

One of those secrets that truly makes the difference is the anointing.  What made me so excited back then was the anointing.  The anointing that would come forth out of the saints prayers before they sing, preached, or even took an offering.  It was the anointing that overflowed the atmosphere where people received salvation, healings, and deliverance.
To keep it real, we have lost some of that anointing in our church services.  The saints were strict back then.  Whew, when I think about some of that strictness. Lawddddd.  However, they may have had a point with some of it.  It does taking fasting, not just corporate fasting, but personal time fasting as well. It does take every now and then turning off that TV and studying God’s word.  It does take prayer as well as spiritual warfare.  It does matter how we dress.  It does matter how we condone ourselves.  It does matter to discipline this flesh. 

So my prayer is we get back to the anointing.  You can hit every note as you sing.  You can know every scripture for a subject.  You can even cut a good step, but without the anointing, it profits nothing.  It’s the anointing that makes the difference saints.  Just sayin!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Privileges in God

So many times our flesh can have us dwell upon what appears to be rules and regulations to our salvation.  It’s what I call the “you can’t do this and that” syndrome.  However, I wonder, do we as saints really think about the privileges we have in our God??  Here are some examples:
You start feeling like you are coming down with something.  The sinner would have to deal with it and try to drug themselves to death in the process.  The saint can quote He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities.  The chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with HIS stripes, we are healed.  Then get to rebuking in Jesus name and before you know it, you feel much better within the hour.
You are stressed.  Things are going on within the home and you just can’t deal with it.  The sinner would have to go to false pleasure like a cigarette, or alcohol, or even sex or drugs to take their mind off of things for a little while.  Ever heard of happy hour?  LOL.  The saint can quote the peace that passes all understanding shall guide my heart and mind through Christ Jesus.  We can call on Jehovah Shalom to send some peace and the next thing you know; things are calm in your spirit.
How many times do you overhear co-workers saying I had to take this or that to get to sleep the other night?  There is no rest for the wicked! The saints have now I lay me down to sleep, for thou Lord make me dwell in safety and can get that good sleep on throughout the night.
A sinner sees something that they really want but don’t have the money for and will just have to deal with it, or in some cases, steal it.  The saints have delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart.  There have been times when my money was low, but God touched someone heart to grant something I wanted...HOLLA
Problems are a part of this realm.  Thanks to sin, there isn’t anything we can do about that.  However, hell can be all around, BUT the joy of the Lord can be a saint’s strength.  I remember with my mom in the hospital.  God showed up in the hospital room one night.  In the midst of my flesh being concerned if my mom was going to meet our Lord, God granted us a spirit of praise and removed the burdens.  Whewww... (Praise break)
So I say all that to say this, saints, we have privileges in our salvation that sinners don’t get to experience, as they are spiritual discerned.  We have His word.  We have His name.  We have prayer as a key and faith that unlocks that door.  Just think about whom we are serving here…Jesus the Christ!  This man took on flesh so he could understand everything we feel on a personal level (don’t you wish some of our government leaders would do that).  He took the burdens of the cross for us to be made free.  He even resurrected himself from the dead and gave us power in His name!  We can now come boldly to His throne.  In HIS name, we can cast out devils.  In HIS name, we can change atmospheres.  In HIS name, our bodies are healed.  Shoot, even with trouble, in HIS name, there can yet be peace.  He is Rab-Koach, the mighty powerful God. 

What a privileged!